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PSI Forensic Facial Reconstruction ~ Artifact Illustration


All sculptures, drawings and images: ©2008, Penelope Siig/PSI Studios. All rights reserved.


About the Artist

Penelope Siig received her training in forensic facial reconstruction from internationally recognized medical illustrator, forensic sculptor and leading authority in the discipline, Betty Pat. Gatliff, at the Scottsdale Artists’ School, Scottsdale, AZ, and the University of Oklahoma, Norman. She received her training and certification in archaeological and artifact illustration at the Institute of Archaeology, University College, London, UK, and through practical experience during archaeological fieldwork conducted by the Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Reno.

Penelope has pursued her interests in archaeology/anthropology and the arts throughout her professional life. She studied dance as a scholarship student in San Francisco and received her advanced training in New York.  She later pursued her degree in anthropology at the University of Nevada, Reno, on scholarship for academic excellence. She realized a successful 20-year career as a dancer, teacher and choreographer followed by a significant career as a performing arts manager and executive (San Francisco Symphony, Diablo Ballet, Nevada Festival Ballet) and science administrator (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory- Life Sciences Division), receiving prominent recognition and honors for her achievements. She has also worked independently as a researcher and science and grants writer.

Penelope continues to develop her skills both as a forensic artist and as a figurative and portrait sculptor and painter. She has studied sculpture with prominent Bay Area sculptor, Tebby George, and painting through UC Berkeley, Department of Fine Arts. She is broadening her scope in forensic work by increasing her knowledge and expertise in 2-D and computer methods of facial reconstruction, portrait sculpture, anatomy and paleoanthropology. She is also proficient in mold-making and casting.

Several of her anthropological sculptures are currently on display in the Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Reno, and special showings of her work are planned for the San Francisco Bay Area in Spring/Summer 2009. She is also illustrating a comparative ethnography, which will be published in Summer, 2009. In addition, she is designing a traveling educational/museum display which will include finished casts of her anthropological sculptures.

Detailed information about upcoming presentations, shows & publications will be posted soon.

Penelope can be contacted by phone at 775-842-7137 or by email at